Hey there!
My name is Cyrus, also known as Cy-Cyborg, I'm a queer, disabled artist, writer and content creator from NSW Australia. My pronouns are Xe/They and I want to help you create better disabled characters!
For a long time, I was the first visibly disabled person a lot of people around me had encountered in real-life, which lead to lots of odd and uncomfortable situations, bizarre assumptions, confusion and even anger when I didn't fit into the stereotypes these people had about "people like me". I strongly believe though that better representation in mainstream media can help change that though, so I made a Tik Tok, Youtube and Tumblr blog to help people figure out how to do that better. This website is meant to act as a kind of "central hub" for all of those, and a backup, in case anything goes wrong. I also want kids like myself to be able to see people like them on TV, and not have to worry about what bizarre impressions it will give the people around them.
Despite the site's name, however, I don't just talk about writing disability here, but all aspects of character creation! I'm an artist by trade, and most of my own stories are told via visual mediums like animation and comics, so I want to make content that will be applicable to those kinds of creators too. As a result, you'll also occasionally find resources for artists looking to draw and design better disabled characters too.
I'm a bilateral leg amputee, a wheelchair user and autistic, and this is what the majority of my content is focused on, but a lot of what I talk about is applicable to the wider disability community too.
I hope you'll stick around and enjoy what you find!
If you have a specific writing or art related questions, the best place to contact me is via my ask box on Tumblr (or if it's closed, my DM's are usually also open there). Otherwise you can find me at any of the links below: